The 写作中心

Schedule an Appointment

如果您在登录预约时遇到任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 or call us at 757-683-4013 during our open hours. 请注意,我们将没有电话访问期间在线仅小时. We recommend emailing during online only hours.

Students working in the 写作中心.

Welcome to the 写作中心!

写作中心(WC)为本科生和研究生提供免费的个人辅导, working on writing projects for any course; WC tutors are not editors or proofreaders, 但他们指导和鼓励学生在写作和修改自己的作业时实现独立.


周一 十时七时

10:00PM - 3:00PM

4:00PM - 7:00PM

周三 10:00AM - 3:00PM


星期五 2:00PM - 6:00PM

10:00AM - 3:00PM

周一 10:00AM - 6:00PM

12:00PM - 5:00PM


周三 2:00PM - 6:00PM

12:00PM - 5:00PM


星期五 2:00PM - 6:00PM

10:00AM - 2:00PM

3:00PM - 7:00PM

周日 10:00AM - 7:00PM


写作中心提供补充指导,帮助学生提高他们的写作策略. Instead of providing a proofreading service, 我们提供辅导课程,帮助学生学习校对自己的作品, in getting projects started, and in developing the writing process for a paper.

写作中心提供45分钟的预约与研究生导师谁与个别学生或小组工作. Most tutoring sessions are by appointment; walk-in appointments are provided when tutors are not in a scheduled session. 对于远程学生,我们使用wonline进行在线预约. 学生可以选择每周与导师预约一次,每次最多预约四周. 此外还为本科生和研究生提供辅导服务, 我们将参观教室,提供写作课和小组辅导.

Thank you for visiting the 写作中心 at ODU.

Megan Boeshart, 写作中心 Director

  • Number of appointments allowed per week: Students can have three appointments per week.
  • Appointment Length: Appointments are 45 minutes.
  • Proof or verification of appointments: The WC will send professors an email after an appointment. Students need to email us at 或者在约会结束后与他们的导师交谈,以获得验证. Our tutors will not sign any documents.
  • Requesting a specific tutor for your appointments: 前提是在你要求的时间里有一个特定的导师, he or she can see you on a regular basis.
  • Missed appointments and cancellations: When the 写作中心 is booked, 学生能预约的唯一办法就是取消预约. When the WC is full, 如果有人没有赴约,你可以在任何时间过了10分钟预约. 如果发生这种情况,请使用我们的调度系统中的等待名单功能.
  • If you cannot make it to an appointment, please email us at 或在预约系统内自行取消预约. If it is already past the start of your appointment, 您仍然可以在预约开始后10分钟内发送电子邮件给我们取消预约,而不会受到处罚.
  • Late policy for appointments: All appointments begin on the hour. We hold the appointment for 10 minutes. 如果一个学生没有出现,约会就被认为是没有出现. 取消预约不会被罚款,但不来则会被罚款. Please remember that our appointments are in demand. 缺席意味着取消别人的预约. 学生每学期允许两次错过预约(无需bet8九州登录入口,提前取消或重新安排). 错过两次预约后,学生的wonline帐户将被禁用.
  • Required appointments: The 写作中心 is a voluntary service. WC的导师和预约数量有限,无法为个别导师提供教学协助, 课程, 或部门.
  • Distance appointments: 所有学生都可以通过我们的日程安排系统进行在线预约.
  • 时间: Please note that our appointments are 45 minutes. 这意味着我们可能无法读完一整篇文章, especially if it is more than a few pages. 我们鼓励学生提前计划,这样他们就可以在必要时进行多次预约.
  • 可访问性: 如果您需要实时约会的现场字幕或由于残疾的视频反馈字幕, 请在预约表格的“问题或评论”部分注明您想要的标题,我们很乐意提供它们.

Real Time Online

  • 使用麦克风和网络摄像头进行实时交谈和工作.
  • 写作是在一个编辑空间中共享的,导师和学生可以同时看到和处理.
  • 理想的会议,澄清,问题,或讨论需要发生.
  • Can be useful at any point in the writing process.


  • 学生提交写作作业指南和写作, identifying what they need feedback on.
  • 导师会制作一段视频,在视频中他们会口头指导学生完成对写作的反馈.
  • 理想的作业,重要的写作已经完成.
  • Not useful for the early or brainstorming stages of a paper.
  • 学生不需要在预约时有空.
  • 请不要在没有根据您首先收到的反馈进行更改的情况下,与不同的导师安排多次相同的草稿预约.

What is a "Write-In"?

write - in是由ODU写作中心在周六为研究生举办的每周写作静修活动. You're welcome to come once, or come every week!

If you're trying to make progress on an article, 论文, or course project, but would benefit from some quiet camaraderie, and a structured time to focus on your writing, we welcome you to join us for this weekly writing retreat. 我们的目标是为研究生提供一个时间和空间,让他们在一个支持性的环境中设定写作目标和不间断地工作. WC导师将为会议提供便利,并有30分钟的预约时间来回答特定的问题或复习选定的文本片段.

我们以小组讨论我们的写作目标开始和结束. 这个小组提供鼓励和责任,帮助你专注于你的目标.

Where and When is the Write-In?

Spring 研究生 Student Write-Ins will begin 周六 Jan. 20th

Write-Ins are 周六s from 11:00am - 3:00pm. All graduate students welcome!


Join the Write-In


  • Number of appointments allowed per week: Students can have three appointments per week.
  • Appointment Length: Appointments are 45 minutes.
  • Proof or verification of appointments: The WC will send professors an email after an appointment. Students need to email us at 或者在约会结束后与他们的导师交谈,以获得验证. Our tutors will not sign any documents.
  • Requesting a specific tutor for your appointments: 前提是在你要求的时间里有一个特定的导师, he or she can see you on a regular basis.
  • Missed appointments and cancellations: When the 写作中心 is booked, 学生能预约的唯一办法就是取消预约. When the WC is full, 如果有人没有赴约,你可以在任何时间过了10分钟预约. 如果发生这种情况,请使用我们的调度系统中的等待名单功能.
  • If you cannot make it to an appointment, please email us at 或在预约系统内自行取消预约. If it is already past the start of your appointment, 您仍然可以在预约开始后10分钟内发送电子邮件给我们取消预约,而不会受到处罚.
  • Late policy for appointments: All appointments begin on the hour. We hold the appointment for 10 minutes. 如果一个学生没有出现,约会就被认为是没有出现. 取消预约不会被罚款,但不来则会被罚款. Please remember that our appointments are in demand. 缺席意味着取消别人的预约. 学生每学期允许两次错过预约(无需bet8九州登录入口,提前取消或重新安排). 错过两次预约后,学生的wonline帐户将被禁用.
  • Required appointments: The 写作中心 is a voluntary service. WC的导师和预约数量有限,无法为个别导师提供教学协助, 课程, 或部门.
  • Distance appointments: 所有学生都可以通过我们的日程安排系统进行在线预约.
  • 时间: Please note that our appointments are 45 minutes. 这意味着我们可能无法读完一整篇文章, especially if it is more than a few pages. 我们鼓励学生提前计划,这样他们就可以在必要时进行多次预约.
  • 可访问性: 如果您需要实时约会的现场字幕或由于残疾的视频反馈字幕, 请在预约表格的“问题或评论”部分注明您想要的标题,我们很乐意提供它们.

Real Time Online

  • 使用麦克风和网络摄像头进行实时交谈和工作.
  • 写作是在一个编辑空间中共享的,导师和学生可以同时看到和处理.
  • 理想的会议,澄清,问题,或讨论需要发生.
  • Can be useful at any point in the writing process.


  • 学生提交写作作业指南和写作, identifying what they need feedback on.
  • 导师会制作一段视频,在视频中他们会口头指导学生完成对写作的反馈.
  • 理想的作业,重要的写作已经完成.
  • Not useful for the early or brainstorming stages of a paper.
  • 学生不需要在预约时有空.
  • 请不要在没有根据您首先收到的反馈进行更改的情况下,与不同的导师安排多次相同的草稿预约.

What is a "Write-In"?

write - in是由ODU写作中心在周六为研究生举办的每周写作静修活动. You're welcome to come once, or come every week!

If you're trying to make progress on an article, 论文, or course project, but would benefit from some quiet camaraderie, and a structured time to focus on your writing, we welcome you to join us for this weekly writing retreat. 我们的目标是为研究生提供一个时间和空间,让他们在一个支持性的环境中设定写作目标和不间断地工作. WC导师将为会议提供便利,并有30分钟的预约时间来回答特定的问题或复习选定的文本片段.

我们以小组讨论我们的写作目标开始和结束. 这个小组提供鼓励和责任,帮助你专注于你的目标.

Where and When is the Write-In?

Spring 研究生 Student Write-Ins will begin 周六 Jan. 20th

Write-Ins are 周六s from 11:00am - 3:00pm. All graduate students welcome!


Join the Write-In



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